Monday, December 22, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

I figured with Christmas literally three days away I better write about Thanksgiving before I forget all the details!!

This year the kids and Riley had one full week off!! I was super smart and made just about everything ahead of time and froze it. I made cornbread dressing two weekends before, sweet potato casserole (it's so good with bacon, molasses and marshmallows) and pie dough one weekend before, and two nights before my cranberry jello mold. All I had to do on the actual day was stick our vegetable sides in a crock pot and make tea (my in laws brought homemade rolls and some pies). Riley and his dad fried two turkeys, one to eat and one to freeze (which I also froze extra stuffing and sweet potatoes to go with it!!). Freezing everything ahead of time also let me do special things with my kids since I wasn't so busy!!

Brady LOVES spiced peaches and has been eating them since he could walk.  Unfortunately we can't find them in the store anymore so I decided we would make our own! I even bought a jar so we could make our peaches every year! They turned out amazing and I had a very happy child!

Ben chose to help me make a pumpkin pie

We had fun making the flowers for the pie. He said he wanted flowers and no pumpkins lol

Brit wanted to make a cherry pie. I got to teach her how to lattice the top! This was before it went in the oven.
These Trader Joes water packed cherries were amazing!

Using Ree Drummands pie crust freezer trick made rolling out dough easy!

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