Sunday, May 26, 2013

An update of updates

Part One:

Last I wrote I was pregnant, gathering the last few items & getting restless for June. Well today I write you as a mother to FIVE! Yep, I didn't make it to June. There is part of me that is sad my body sadly gave out and another that is elated my babies are here!!!! On Tuesday, May 21st I had a specialist appointment (34 weeks exactly). I went into that appointment looking good and feeling fine. They quickly deflated my happy bubble. My blood pressure was extremely high and I had 2+ proteins. They did a sonogram and the babies were fine but apparently I was not. So when they said, "We need you to go straight up to Labor and Delivery" I was thinking, "Ummm I'm supposed to be getting my last pre-baby pedicure today after this appointment. Then when they said, "Don't plan on going home, you'll either be admitted for the rest of the pregnancy or scheduled to deliver. I was feeling so good so this was just a complete shock. I called Riley with the news and arranged for child pickups from school. Both my ob and specialist wanted me admitted and a 24 hour urine collection started. One of my ob's associates was on call and came to see me. Before labs were even confirmed she said that I was scheduled for a csection at 4:30 on the 22nd if things didn't look good. I was so shocked and nervous!!! It was a long night!!! The next day was a wait and see. My ob came in and we talked about my labs. My 24 hr urine had less than one gram of protein but my blood pressure was so high he was afraid I'd turn toxic fast. He was worried I'd have a seizure or a stroke, which neither of us wanted! He was still waiting on my specialist to make the call (this is 2pm on the 22nd) deliver or hospital bed rest. I told him please let me know because Riley was still at work and we needed to make sure our kids were covered. He comes back and says, "Call Riley, surgery is at 4:30pm." Oh my goodness everything happened so fast after that!!!!! I start having anesthesiology come talk to me, the NICU, another person to explain the surgery, and paper work for tubal (who would have thought I'd ever need this?). This is when things started getting crazy REAL!!!! I called my brother who was in Disney World and told him the babies couldn't wait (he had told me not to have them while he was on vacation, lol). Then I called my kids and told them I loved them. I hadn't seen them since the day before. Riley got there and was instant calming. The fear set back in the minute they rolled my back though. They got me set up with a spinal and all I could do was cry because I was scared. My babies would be six weeks early. Then it was like an out of body experience. You can't feel anything or move anything. They brought back Riley and he sat by my head. Next thing you know they hold up Barrett and he wasn't crying but blue. They wisk him to the NICU table set up in the OR. Then Brennen is lifted up and he is screaming. I'm asking Riley why isn't Barrett crying and then the most beautiful sound in the world...... He starts crying!!!! Whewwwww!!!!! They wisk him to the NICU so we only got a picture with Brennen. Then the ob confirms I want a tubal and I don't remember much after that. They started me on Magnesium and thankfully it didn't make me sick (vomiting) but very loopy!!!!! They had to put both babies on the cpap but only for a short time. They both checked out to be healthy, all their organs fully developed, no lung issues, and just needed to gain weight. Brennen was 4lbs 3oz and Barrett was 4lbs 7oz. Once I was put on magnesium I wasn't allowed out of bed for 24 hours. Which meant I didn't get to touch or see my babies for 24 hours. That was so hard!!!!! I'll write more later but I'll leave you with some pics!!!!!


  1. I'm over the moon happy for you and your family! I can't wait to see that first full family of 7 picture. :)

  2. Congratulations. . . your babies are adorable and most importantly, healthy! I have followed your journal since TLOL days and just came across this one a couple of weeks ago to see that you are pregnant with twins! Congrats again. . . I couldn't be more happy for you and your family!!

    Erica (formerly Erica Jo on TLOL)

  3. Congratulations on your new family of 7!!! Your boys are so precious!!!

  4. Congrats!I have been following your blog and checked in to see if you had the babies.They are precious!

  5. Congratulations!!! The boys are just beautiful!! Precious!!! So happy for you and your family!! Enjoy!!!

  6. PRAISE GOD for sweet miracles. I couldn't be happier for you. These pictures made my day!
